Some data is added to the LINK-GIS map viewer by default. To add more data layers (e.g. schools, fire districts, parks) to the map or remove unneeded data, follow the steps below.
1. Click on the Layers button, appearing as a gray button with the white stacked layers in it, on the upper right portion of the map.
2. While hovering over the Layer button, it reads More Layers.
3. To expand a group to see the individual layers in a group, click on the gray triangle on the left side of the group name.
4. To turn a layer on, check the box next to the layer name. Also, make sure the box next to the group name is checked as well or the individual layer will not display. Uncheck the box next to a layer name to turn it off.
5. Use the scroll bar on the right side to navigate up and down the list of map layers and layer groups.
6. Click on the white and gray triangle on the right side of a layer group to set transparency for the layers in the group, view a description of a group layer and the layers that are within the group; and finally to move a layer group up or down in the list. The order the group layers are in the list, is the order the layers are drawn on the map viewer.
7. To move the widget, click on the black band along the top of the (clicking the text in the name of the widget is OK). While holding down the mouse button, the widget is able to be repositioned. Release the mouse button when the widget is in the desired location.
8. To close the widget, click on the “X” in the upper right hand corner of the widget or click the Layer button again.