Planning and Development Services of Kenton County (PDSKC), on behalf of the LINK-GIS Partnership, is accepting proposals from aerial survey firms for Aerial Imagery Acquisition, Digital Orthoimagery Production, LiDAR Acquisition, Digital Elevation Dataset Production and Photogrammetric Updates to, or New Compilation of, GIS Planimetric Mapping for Kenton and Campbell Counties in Kentucky.
A zip-compressed file named is available for download here and contains the following items:
- A copy of the RFP in PDF format named LINK-GIS_2020_Mapping_RFP.pdf
- An ExcelTM spreadsheet named LINK-GIS_2020_Mapping_CostWorksheet.xlsx
- This spreadsheet is preformatted with cells and formulas for totaling costs of all requested services & deliverables for your use in submitting your response.
- An ESRITM File GeoDatabase (FGDB) named LINK-GIS_2020_TileGrid_Bdrys.gdb containing the LINK-GIS orthoimagery tile grid and the county boundaries for Kenton and Campbell Counties. You will find these layers useful in preparing your response.
If, for any reason, you are not able to open the compressed file or any of the files contained within it, please contact us for assistance.