Kenton County Judge-Executive Kris Knochelmann and County Commissioners Beth Sewell, Jon Draud, and Joe Nienaber
presented PDS staff with a GIS proclamation during their November 14, 2017 Fiscal Court meeting. The proclamation recognized Wednesday, November 15, 2017 as GIS Day in Kenton County.
Louis Hill, AICP, GISP, Geospatial Data Analyst, and Ryan Hermann, Associate GIS Specialist, attended the Fiscal Court meeting to accept the proclamation on behalf of PDS.
According to Hermann, “GIS Day is our single largest education and outreach event of the year. This year the Kenton County Academies of Innovation and Technology hosted our event and we were able to discuss GIS, mapping, analysis, programming, and UAV/drone technologies with over 400 students.”
GIS (geographic information systems) is the mapping and analysis technology that PDS/LINK-GIS provides to the citizens, governments, and agencies in Kenton, Campbell, and Pendleton Counties.
For additional information about PDS’ GIS outreach offerings, email Ryan Hermann or Louis Hill, or call either of them at 859.331.8980.