Orthophotography Kenton County



Digital Orthophotography, Aerial, Photography


Orthogonal image mosaic to support the needs of KY Kenton. Other uses expected.


The dataset consists of tiled orthogonal imagery produced from nadir images captured by Pictometry International. Automatic aerial triangulation (AAT) was performed. The triangulated frames were rectified to a customer provided DEM. Mosaicking was performed using an automatic seaming algorithm and manually edited to eliminate seams through elevated features where possible.


Kenton County, LINK-GIS, Pictometry, Eagle View, Kenton County PVA, Kenton County Cities, Kenton County Fiscal Court, Planning and Development Services of Kenton County

Use limitations

Use of this data is constrained by the license agreements between Pictometry International and KY Campbell.

LINK-GIS makes no representations, guarantees, or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, currency, or suitability of information provided. LINK-GIS specifically disclaims any and all liability for any claims or damages that may result from providing this information, including any websites maintained by third parties and linked to this data. LINK-GIS makes no effort to independently verify, and does not exert editorial control over information on pages outside of the “linkgis.org” domain.

LINK-GIS value added data, LINK-GIS and any of its partners or employees except no liability for use of this data


West -84.627493    East -84.412841
North 39.100747    South 38.788580

Scale Range

Maximum (zoomed in) 1:5,000
Minimum (zoomed out) 1:150,000,000