Ryan Hermann wins the KAMP, Service to the GIS Community, award.
Louis Hill, GISP, and Tom East, GISP, are awarded Fellow of KAMP honers (the highest honor KAMP bestows upon an individual).

Article written by Trisha Brush, GISP, and Louis Hill, GISP, titled “Send Up the Drone” is featured in the November 2020 edition of ESRI’s online Newsroom, ArcWatch.
LINK-GIS/PDS staff members Trisha Brush and Emi Randall present at the 2017 GeoDesign Summit in Los Angeles, CA.

Trisha Brush has article, “Cultivating Relationships, Planting Ideas and Harvesting Dreams,” published in Winter 2017 edition of ESRI’s ArcUser magazine, page 24.
LINK-GIS wins the KAMP Exemplary System Award.
Staff member, Louis Hill elected president of KAMP; will serve organization for two years.
LINK-GIS wins 1st Place at the KAMP GIS Conference Map Gallery with the map “Historic Licking Riverside Neighborhood – 2013 APA Great Neighborhood.”
LINK-GIS wins Kentucky Chapter APA “Outstanding Use of Technology” for NKYmapLAB.
LINK-GIS staff pursues roadshow, highlighting capabilities of new map viewers, with visits to Campbell County Fiscal Court, the City of Covington and Thomas More College.
LINK-GIS rolls out new map viewer for finding precinct and polling locations.
Governor Beshear declares October 12th the beginning of GIS Week.

NKYmapLAB earns third place in the “large format printed map” category at the ESRI International User Conference in San Diego.
Christy Powell, GISP, wins Service to KAMP award and Ryan Kent, GISP, wins Local Government and Overall best map at the annual Kentucky GIS Conference.
LINK-GIS’ new map viewer tool gives users access to 30+ pieces of detailed property information with a single click.
PDS’ GIS staff submits Public Safety Access Point geographic boundary data to the state, resulting in $1.1 million in funding flowing from Frankfort to E9-1-1 dispatch centers in Campbell, Kenton and Pendleton Counties.
LINK-GIS rolls out new Map Viewer, using technology allowing users to utilize the new viewer on mobile devices, as well as, the desktop environment.

Trisha Brush, GISP, has an article published in the CIO Review magazine, April 2015, GIS Special Edition.
PDS launched Northern Kentucky mapLAB initiative seeking to accomplish two critical goals: illustrate the robust analytical capabilities of LINK-GIS; and, use those capabilities to support Kenton County’s economic development program.
LINK-GIS wins 1st Place at the KAMP GIS Conference Map Gallery with the map “Urban Tree Canopy in the cities of Kenton County.”
The PDS GIS department worked closely with the Homebuilders Association of Northern Kentucky (HBA) on a project to determine the number of “finished” subdivided lots in Kenton County.

LINK-GIS staffers, Christy Powell, GISP, Joe Busemeyer, GISP and Tom East, GISP, are presented with the 2014 ALL-SPICE award for their contributions to the Kenton County 2030 Comprehensive Plan project, in conjunction with members of the PDS Planning Department.
During the Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals’ (KAMP) annual conference in Louisville in September, PDS Senior GIS Specialist Tom East, GISP, was awarded KAMP’s first ever President’s Award.
LINK-GIS partners receive final delivery of 2014 aerial photography.
LINK-GIS assist Pendleton County with determination of county line, resulting in saving the Public Works crew time and money.
Planning and Development Services (PDS) hosted a “Girls Day Out,” Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) outing for girls of junior high age.

Christy Powell, GISP, receives the PDS SPICE award for Innovation for the work she did creating a bike and pedestrian count application and a building damage assessment application for emergency situations.
Planning and Development Services (PDS) held a mapping and GPS certified training course with Duke Energy.
The Northern Kentucky Urban and Community Forestry Council was awarded a grant from the U.S. Forest Service in December 2013 to develop land classifications and forest canopy data for Kenton, Campbell, and Boone counties.
LINK-GIS staff member assist the Kenton County Clerk (Gabrielle Summe) and her team to draw and redraw voting precinct boundaries to match new legislative boundaries and to accurately detail any and all changes in accompanying reports.
Christy Powell, GISP, NKAPC’s Senior GIS Programmer creates a bike and pedestrian count application for the NKAPC Planning and Zoning Department and a building damage assessment application to be used during an emergency situation to collect information such as number of people affected, contact names, and extent of damage.
LINK-GIS staff create updated, multi-use address database.

Tom East, GISP, and Trisha Brush, GISP, receive certification from URISA for completing the URISA Leadership Acadamy.
LINK-GIS staff provides hands-on GIS support for Northern Kentucky University and Thomas More College students.
LINK-GIS staff member Tom East was asked to speak about NextGen 9-1-1 at the 39th Annual Kentucky Association of Counties (KACo) Conference held the Galt House in Louisville.
The Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals (KAMP) Service to GIS/Mapping Community award was presented to Christy Powell GISP, of LINK-GIS staff.
Several of the LINK-GIS staff attended training seminars for WebEOC (Web Emergency Operation Control) and RAVEN911 (Regional Asset Verification & Emergency Network).
A comprehensive inventory of sidewalks in Kenton County is pursued by NKAPC staff to create documentation which can assist legislative bodies with future planning efforts.
Maps and data support for local tornadic event for building inspectors, emergency response and FEMA teams on the ground.
LINK-GIS LiDAR data is used in a Kentucky Geological Survey report on landslides in the Campbell and Kenton Counties.
LINK-GIS team makes presentations to local National Weather Service and forms relationships for future collaboration.
SOW was created to work with the City of Elsmere for assets management inventory.
Presented Snow Tracker at ESRI User Conference and KY GIS Conference.
Upgrade/update LINK-GIS website map viewer for easier use and access to information with fewer clicks of the mouse.
QAQC Campbell County FEMA Preliminary Floodplain maps.
Provide ArcReader projects, data and training to Campbell County Office of Emergency Management.
Put together multiple maps, tables and data for Kenton County Governance Study Group for various county analysis.

LINK-GIS staff, Christy Powell, GISP and Joe Busemeyer, GISP, develop and roll out ‘Snow Tracker’, an interactive map for Kenton County Public works to show the public what roads have been treated during a snow event.
Historic imagery slider rolls out on LINK-GIS website. Old Mylar maps back to 1962 that were scanned, geo-referenced and cached.

Christy Powell, GISP, has an article published in GeoWorld magazine, November 2011, Special Government Issue.
RFP issued and then negations with the Commonwealth of Kentucky contract awarded aerial photography major update project with PhotoScience, Inc. to provide new aerial photography and updated data for Campbell, Kenton and Pendleton Counties. This is the first time the digital imagery and IR technology was captured for the partnership.
A 7th GIS team member obtains GISP certification.
LINK-GIS wins statewide award, “Service to the Mapping Community” at Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals (KAMP) conference.
LINK-GIS team member wins state web applications contest at the KAMP conference.

Joe Busemeyer, GISP, presented on the Covington Asset Management project at the ESRI 2011 International User Conference and also submitted map to large format map gallery.
Assisted KC Clerk with reapportionment mapping, voting precinct mapping and voting location mapping.
QAQC the Kenton County FEMA Preliminary Floodplain maps.
Staff provides technical assistance to local governments for 2010 US Census.
LINK-GIS/Erlanger collaboration earns recognition for city’s dispatch service.
LINK-GIS relaunches website, with an updated look and feel and new mapping technology.
Six NKAPC staff have GISP.
Envista chosen by GIS partners to coordinate Pavement Management Project.

LINK-GIS staffer, Joe Busemeyer, GISP, creates a detailed map showing the history of the Green Line streetcar that ran from downtown Cincinnati to Fort Mitchell, KY. The map is featured in the opening ceremony for the ESRI International User Conference.
WebFOCUS presented at the 2009 ESRI International User Conference.
Highly-accurate LINK-GIS topography data wows professional surveyors’ association.
NKAPC hosts E-911 dispatch workshop aimed at mapping standards certification.
LINK-GIS among those invited to participate in Library of Congress preservation effort.
GIS website getting functional overhaul; more information will be easier to access.
LINK-GIS partnership readies online tool to facilitate road construction coordination.
Partnership rolls out video production highlighting uses of GIS technology.
Campbell County cable television prepares to broadcast LINK-GIS video production.
Work under way to protect integrity of Northern Kentucky’s GIS monuments.
Launch of Crime Mapping site with Erlanger Dispatch, using real-time reporting and search capability from the police cruiser, turning each officer into a business analyst.
WebFOCUS presented at the 2008 KY GIS Conference.
Software giant ESRI selects Area Planning as beta test site for new program upgrade.
GIS, Planning staffs provide technical support for the upcoming 2010 census.
Staff member, Christy Powell elected president of KAMP; will serve organization for two years.
Three earn GIS professional credentials; staff now includes five with certification.
Launch of the WebFOCUS website to the cities under the One Stop Shop Program.
Presented WebFOCUS at the Kentucky GIS Conference.
NKAPC staff works with PhotoScience, Inc. to provide new aerial photography and updated data for Campbell and Kenton Counties. This is the first time the technology called LiDAR is used to create a 3D image of the surface instead of just a 2D image used in the past.
LINK-GIS Visioning Workshop sets stage for improvements to system. Facilitators led participants through a celebration of what’s been accomplished collaboratively since LINK-GIS was created in 1985.
After almost 25 years and considerable growth in its operations, Northern Kentucky’s LINK-GIS is operating under new partnership accords. Interlocal agreements creating separate LINK-GIS partnerships for Campbell and Kenton Counties allows for more detailed accountability in financing the system’s operations.
Kenton Fiscal Court and NKAPC to pursue Assets Management Program with GPS.
GIS staff helps parents keep track of offenders in their neighborhoods.
Senior GIS Specialist Christy Davis accepted an invitation to teach a GIS class at Northern Kentucky University for the fall semester.
Northern Kentucky Area Planning’s GIS department works to assist emergency service providers in Pendleton County to improve their response times.
WebFOCUS pilot project completed. This was a pilot of the reporting and mapping capabilities with the City of Fort Wright prior to the January 2007 launch for all cities participating in the One Stop Shop Program.
Northern Kentucky Area Planning Commission is awarded Special Achievement in GIS recognition from ESRI.
Kenton County Brownfields Initiative awarded Earth Day award by Kentucky Environmental Quality Commission, Kentucky League of Cities, and Kentucky Association of Counties.
Staff member Christy Davis presented a session about GIS marketing at the ESRI International User Conference.
Staff member Ryan Kent invited to present at the National EPA Brownfields Conference.
Article in the February Geospatial Solutions magazine called “Sharing Data – Local Government Set the Standard”. The article discussed how the NKY task force developed a set of standards for sharing GIS datasets.
Pendleton County Fiscal Court and Pendleton County PVA join the partnership.
Staff members from the partnership present a session about three county data standards at the ESRI International User Conference.
Updated aerial photography for Kenton and Campbell Counties featuring with new roads and buildings is completed.
The partnership launches an internet mapping website powered by ESRI’s ArcIMS.
Staff members from the partnership are instrumental in helping found the Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals (KAMP). Three of these staff members go on to serve on the board of directors.
An article entitled “Kenton County Lead Way in Brownfield Redevelopment” written by staff member Ryan Kent appears in the October-December 2003 edition of ArcUser Magazine.
Campbell County Fiscal Court and Campbell County Property Valuation Administration join the partnership.
The partnership along with Boone County establishes a monumentation network for the three county area.
An image from the Kenton County Comprehensive Plan Update map is featured in the opening ceremony for the ESRI International User Conference.
The partnership undertakes a major update that increases the accuracy of the data in the urban area of the county to 1″=100′. This update also provides 2′ topography and color aerial photography with 6″ resolution.
The partnership is awarded Best Map in the URISA ‘95 Project Showcase for Automated Identification of Sanitary Sewer Systems.
The Northern Kentucky Water District joins the partnership.
A map entitled “Automated Identification of Sanitary Sewer Transfer Points and Combined Sewer Overflows” is printed in the ESRI Map Book, an annual publication dedicated to acknowledging the important and innovative accomplishments of GIS users around the world.
A map entitled “GIS Applications in Northern Kentucky” is printed in the ESRI Map Book, an annual publication dedicated to acknowledging the important and innovative accomplishments of GIS users around the world.
The partnership wins ESRI’s President’s Award, an international award that is passed from year to year to the next recipient.
A map entitled “Kenton County Sanitary Sewers” is printed in the ESRI Map Book, an annual publication dedicated to acknowledging the important and innovative accomplishments of GIS users around the world.
The partnership begins with four entities: Northern Kentucky Area Planning Commission, Kenton County Property Valuation Administration, Kenton County Fiscal Court, and Sanitation District #1. It was started partly due to a need to know where underground utilities were located.