In addition to the precinct maps available in the online store and the precincts and polling information available in the LinkGIS Viewer, we are pleased to announce additional information available about the polling locations. Each polling location has a two hyperlinks. One connects to a photo of the location while the other links to driving […]
Posts tagged Map Viewer
New features of LINK-GIS website draw speaking invitations and regional atten...
Redesigned with a fresh appearance and rebuilt with greater functionality, NKAPC’s new LINK-GIS website is drawing the attention of jurisdictions throughout the metropolitan area and beyond. The visual elements are the first thing noticed on the new page, however, it’s the website’s new My Community viewer and Online Store function that has other jurisdictions interested. […]
LINK-GIS website training dates announced
Three training events for the Link-GIS website have been announced for the month of March 2010. March 4, 2010 – Tour the new Link-GIS website! Two instructional sessions – 9:00 and 11:00AM Campbell County Fiscal Court Commission Chambers 1098 Monmouth Street, Newport March 5, 2010 – Hands on training for the new Link-GIS website! Two […]