LINK-GIS remains engaged fully in carrying out the responsibilities assigned to it by law, interlocal agreements, and contracts for professional services. We provide the following guidance to those who want or need to interact with our staff. The vast majority of the LINK-GIS/PDS’ staff is working from their homes, but you can communicate with them […]
Posts in category Uncategorized
How You Can Vote in the Kenton County General Election-November 3, 2020
VOTE BY MAIL: GOVOTEKY.COM – request a ballot. You need SSN and driver’s license. Deadline is October 9, 2020. Ballot is mailed. Call 392-1620- request a ballot. We can help you through portal. You need SSN and driver’s license. Deadline is October 9, 2020. Ballot is mailed Postage is pre-paid on return envelope. Don’t forget […]
Know your boundaries: GIS and GPS saves local county thousands
When looking for a summer treat, Rocky Road ice cream may come to mind, but a true rocky road is never a treat. Pendleton County Public Works Director Tim Antrobus received a call from an adjoining county inquiring about road repairs on Oscar Spradling Road. Oscar Spradling had turned into a “rocky road” and the […]
STEM: Ripe for the picking
The Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce hosted a “Girls Day Out,” Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) outing for girls of junior high age on June 27th. Six companies in the area along with PDS participated in the event: ATech Training, Cincinnati Bell Technology Solutions, Duke Energy, Delta, Messer Construction, and Toyota Motor Engineering & […]
“Impressive” data and expertise aid tree canopy study
The Northern Kentucky Urban and Community Forestry Council was awarded a grant from the U.S. Forest Service in December 2013 to develop land classifications and forest canopy data for Kenton, Campbell, and Boone counties. This data will be used to develop tree planting plans for several areas in the region and can be used as […]
GIS Provides Much-Needed Analysis Support for Redistricting
The Kentucky Legislative Research Commission is tasked with redrawing legislative districts every ten years in conjunction with federal census results. With legislative districts changing and population shifting, voting precincts too must change and shift to match new legislative boundaries. LRC (the Kentucky Legislative Research Commission), pursuant to KRS 7.550, is charged with maintaining and continuously […]
Steel Pin “Monuments” Important to GIS; Surveyors’ Group Agrees to Maintenanc...
Most people are familiar with the steel pins or “monuments” land surveyors put in the ground to mark corners of property lines. But, in the world of computerized mapping, these monuments can hold an even more important purpose — specific longitude and latitude coordinates on the earth’s surface. But, who decides which pins to use […]